
Firm / Business Name
Christopher Meyer Law Firm, PLLC
1418 Lake Pointe Pkwy
Sugar Land
(281) 845-2472
Areas of Practice
Family Law
OFFICE PHONE: (281) 845-2472 EMAIL: Christopher Meyer, JD College: Texas A&M University, College Station. Class of 2005. University of Houston, Post-Bac. Class of 2011 Law School : Thurgood Marshall School of Law, J.D., 2014 ​Admissions: Licensed to practice in all State courts in Texas. Member of the State Bar of Texas ​Service: Former Army Captain. Disabled Veteran from Operation Iraqi Freedom, 2002-2009. Current Commander of Disabled American Veterans Ch. 233 Fort Bend County Christopher Meyer, US Army Veteran Christopher Meyer is not only a Christian, husband and father, he is also a veteran of the United States Army and a local advocate for veteran issues. Presently, Christopher is the Commander of Disabled American Veterans Chapter 233 (DAV Ch. 233) in Fort Bend County. If you are aware of any veterans in Fort Bend County (or elsewhere), who might be struggling. Please refer them to Commander Christopher Meyer. He will make sure that the DAV Ch. 233 fulfills its mission statement by helping the veteran with his or her issues. In 2001, Meyer was accepted into Texas A&M University in College Station where he became a member of the Corps of Cadets. During his fall semester, freshman year, the World Trade Center and Pentagon were attacked on September 11, 2001. After much prayer and thought, Meyer signed a U.S. Army Reserve enlistment contract promising active duty service to the U.S. Army upon graduation. Upon graduation in May 2005, Meyer commissioned into the active service. Meyer’s Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) was as a 35D ‘Tactical Military Intelligence Officer.’ Meyer served with the 519th Military Police Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment. The 519th deployed to Iraq in 2008. While in Iraq, Meyer’s unit was in charge of over-watch and area security for a village named Ashraf, about 20 miles northeast of Baghdad. Part of Meyer’s duties near Ashraf was working at a checkpoint about three and a half miles outside the wire. He would talk to locals and find out about the various issues in their area. It was a small forward operating base and the environment and work was very challenging. He ended up injuring several discs in his back, and still has pain from those injuries to this day. During the second half of his deployment, Meyer and his unit re-missioned to Baghdad where they took over detainee operations. As the military intelligence officer for the facility, his main job was to keep the facility calm by carefully placing detainees throughout the facility. It was during his deployment that Meyer decided to dedicate his life to Christ. “On Easter morning 2009, while in Baghdad, I was baptized by our unit's military chaplain,” says Meyer. “My unit had constructed a white box out of plywood and filled the box with water. That is what we used to baptize soldiers while in Iraq. My battle buddy, Gabriel Sanchez, took a wonderful photo of me that Easter morning in Baghdad.” Towards the end of the deployment, in the late night of August 2009, Meyer’s unit came under a rocket attack. “Praise God, we all came home in one piece. I was able to honorably discharge from the Army and return to civilian life,” says Meyer. After returning home, Meyer used his G.I. Bill to go to law school at Thurgood Marshall School of Law. This led him to meeting his wife, Jennifer Chiang, and they have been married since 2012. The Meyers recently bought a home in Sugar Land and had their first child in December 2016. These days, Meyer uses his energy and skills towards benefitting the veteran community and practicing law. “I spent several years advocating to Houston Metro on behalf of disabled veterans “ says Meyer. “I am proud to say that as of April 2016, Houston Metro is now offering free Bus and Rail rides to Houston area disabled veterans. I still carry many invisible scars and physical pain from my service, but thanks to my military experience and law school training, I have the rare opportunity to understand many of the issues veterans deal with while at war and after returning home. I'm very proud of all I have accomplished in my service and I try to continue to serve my fellow veterans.”